In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Gen. 1:1 (NLT)
Let’s start at the beginning – I understand that’s a very good place to start. Obviously this would be the beginning of things that can be known – because God has no beginning (meaning He preexists the beginning). Did I lose you there? No worries, I will be exploring that particular attribute at a later date.
The Bible’s first words are “In the beginning God created…” It is the first thing He tells us. The remainder of the first few chapters of Genesis go on to tell us what God created. (Spoiler Alert! – everything)
So what else does this tell us about God? If you have ever been stopped in your tracks by a beautiful view or studied the laws of science you know that our God is a master artist. He defines beauty and determines what is good. He intricately weaves a world where order is brought to seemingly random items or events. Our God misses nothing and cares about all the details of the world.
Like any artist, God expresses who He is through His creation. I would be better off saying: Like God, artists express who they are through their creations. God, of course, being the first among artists. Creation relates to us that God is infinite, organized, beautiful, powerful, and glorious. Psalm 19:1-4 tells us: “The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display His craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make Him known. They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard. Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world.” (NLT)
Given that everything we know as reality is part of God’s creation, the stars, mountains, ocean, etc. – here is the kicker, human beings (you and me) are His most treasured creations, representing the epitome of God’s creative output. Let that sink in… We are creation’s pinnacle. Since God defines beauty – we are beautiful in His eyes, and since He determines what is good, He considers that creating us (you and me) was good. Your body systems work together in intricate detail to keep you alive because He designed them that way. And then God, the Almighty and majestic God, made us with a little something more – He made us in His image. He placed some of His characteristics in us. He allows us to feel the accomplishments of the things we create with the resources He created for us.
God designed creation to need creation. We are dependent on sunlight and rain to grow plants that feed animal and ourselves. By our dependence on creation, we exhibit our ultimate dependence on the Creator. We could not survive without the sun for warmth, food, and water. God sustains creation, and we should recognize His provision in our lives.
Why did God do all this? Well, I don’t know for sure. He doesn’t need us or anything else for that matter. I imagine He did it because it pleased Him. Isn’t that the purest motivation of any artist? He didn’t create us to leave us alone. He created us to be in relationship with Him. He loves us. He needs nothing, but He allows us to rely on Him for everything.
Praise our Creator! After all, it’s what He created us to do.
Beautifully stated, my friend!